The iFS laser offers a highly sophisticated way to prepare the eye for Personalized LASIK without a blade ever touching it . The Intralase method with the iFS laser makes it possible for the corneal flap to be 100 percent laser created, allowing for flap customization and an individualized treatment. Dr. Feldman specifies flap diameter, depth , hinge location and width, and side-cut architecture to meet the patient's individual needs. 100% blade-free.
The iFS (femtosecond) laser is the only FDA-cleared femtosecond laser proven with more than 10 years of clinical research improving both the safety and precision of LASIK. Nearly four million procedures have been performed with the IntraLase Method worldwide, accounting for more than 60 percent of all LASIK procedures in the U.S.*
Infrared Light Beam: Generates up to 60,000 pulses per second to prepare optimal corneal architecture below the flap.
Microscopic Precision: Uses an "inside-out" process to create thousands of microscopic bubbles within the cornea, defining the intracorneal surface and flap architecture.
Clinical studies show excellent visual outcomes and high patient satisfaction when the blade - free iFS Intralase Method is used. Personalized LASIK using the iFS laser is proven to provide faster visual recovery, fewer dry eyes symptoms,and maximum flap stability. And the iFS laser is 2.5 times faster than previous generation femtosecond lasers , creating precise, predictable flaps in less than 10 seconds per eye.
In addition to customization of the flap, the iFS laser creates a distinctive beveled-edge that allows for precise repositioning, alignment and seating of the LASIK flap for maximum stability- three times that of a blade created flap.
The iFS IntraLase laser technology represents the pinnacle of modern LASIK procedures, offering unparalleled precision, safety, and customization. Dr. Sandy T. Feldman and her team at Clearview Eye and Laser Medical Center are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care, ensuring that each patient achieves the best possible visual outcomes. Schedule a free consultation today
Call Us: (858) 452-3937
8:30AM - 7:00 PM - Monday through Saturday (Saturday until 11:30AM)